Monday, November 10, 2008


Think what you will about the election. I think this is pretty cool.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

From The Mailbag

Or, Reason Takes a Holiday.

I received a letter last week from the Senate Majority Leader and Assistant Majority Leader urging me to support Stan Adelstein (and thus to oppose Ellie Schwiesow) for Senate. These fellows assured me they were loath to poke their nose in my district's business from the far eastern precincts of the state. But, they assured me, their meddling was justified by the critical need to send as many Republicans as possible to the State Senate and thereby retain the party's dominance in that body.

Remarkably they didn't even appear to blush as they made their plea insomuch as the Assistant Majority Leader (like Mrs. Schweisow) is not running as a Republican. He is running as an Independent.

Thursday the Governor took word processor in hand to alert me that my district is in a special situation and so I am subject to his hopes. And, what he hopes is that I see through his confusing use of numbers ("There are some people . . ." "Even though you sometimes disagree with them, they will always listen to you . . ." Who are those people? I wonder. "That person is Stan Adelstein." the Governor writes.) to select Stan to represent me in the state senate.

Finally today I received an e-mail from Joel Dykstra breathlessly informing me of a Rapid City Journal editorial that included the Journal's conclusion that Senator Johnson's "brain hemorrhage in December 2006 has left him unable to perform the job of a U.S. senator." and Joel wrote me: "The Rapid City Journal finally said what no other news organization has had the courage to say - that South Dakota should not send Tim Johnson back for another term. "

Joel forgot to also tell me about the part of the Journal editorial where the paper concluded that Joel "failed to give voters a good reason to select him over the entrenched incumbent." That is, the Journal concluded Senator Johnson is incapable of functioning as a US Senator and Dykstra, though not physically limited, is no better.

Wednesday can't get here soon enough.

A modest proposal

South Dakota blog is an experiment. It's a laboratory based on an idea by Todd Epp to combine the superpowers of all or many of South Dakota's bloggers into one awesome über-blog possessing the wisdom of Solomon and the strength of Atlas.

That's the idea anyway.